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/ Pure Water


'Awaking the Collective Heart of Humanity '

'Awaking the Collective Heart of Humanity '

Our mission is to revitalize and rebalance every Watersheds communities for the present and future generations of All Life to thrive. Bridging our vast inspiration to the implementation of effective regenerative field projects, we bring the best Watershed Solutions to the our resilient communities, guided by the imperative to care for our greatest ally, Our Essential Source Water!


Our whole-systems organizational design aligns concerned citizens with the Nature of Water as our core foundational structure and common bond, served by an interconnected global network of skilled practitioners. Working in nested small groups to restore our planetary hydrological cycle, we awaken collective wisdom and compassionate action, Headwaters to the Sea and back again.


Ensuring safe Water for future generations of All Life is not only possible, it's key to our survival.



One Step at a Time ~ Together

One Step at a Time ~ Together

Once we've explored the WUN ATRIUM HOME BASE public pages, we can proceed into the first level  of development TIER 1~ORIENTATION, where the basics of the Watershed Wisdom Concept and WUN Navigational Framework are described. This process prepares us for onboarding into our fully WUN Wellspring membership (if we choose) within the extended WUN global community and our vetted Partner Platforms, so we can become adept as Watershed Steward reviving ecological and social balance in our communities.

We're encouraged to explore all our Partner Platforms have to offer. The WUN ATRIUMS within our Partner Platforms act as our public entry points into the WWCCWUN architecture. Their purpose is to funnel interested FRESH WATERSHED STEWARDS in learning about the Concept, and familiarize us with the structure well enough to begin visualizing how we can utilize the whole-system solutions offered without being overwhelmed with the complexity of the challenge.

There's a lot of information here, so we go at our own pace, one step at a time, knowing that the best way to discover how the WUN framework serves our regenerative efforts is to take a leap and just dive in. Once we've successfully completed TIER 1~ORIENTATION and TIER 2~ONBOARDING, we have the option to join WUN as a Wellspring Watershed Steward in TIER 3~ACTIVATION, where the fun begins.

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The WUN ATRIUMS of the WATERUNITY NETWORKS (WUN) are more than a gateway into our Community. They are our entry into a growing global culture of Regenerative WaterEarth Stewardship, and a set of navigational charts guiding us to the greatest beneficial planetary change in the quickest amount of time.​

The WATERSHED WISDOM COUNCIL CONCEPT (WWCC) is a organizational design model for how we can aggregate trained WATERSHED STEWARDS (WELLSPRINGS) into a networked global system of bio-regionally connected, locally empowered, and internally aligned small-group councils~forming Circles of Trust and Watershed Wisdom Councils ~ with the WaterUnity Networks framework as our central hub. 
The blueprint for Watershed Wisdom Councils is fundamentally aligned with the NATURE OF SOURCE WATER, providing access to various Water practitioners, partners, and advocates and Water↔ Earth caregivers along our Watersheds. Working in radical collaboration, we strive to become an on-the-ground hubs for concern citizens cultivating regenerative culture and coordinating the co-creation of local resilient communities.
Guided by the WATERSHED WISDOM COUNCIL CONCEPT, the WATERUNITY NETWORKS (WUN), is our digital vessel for our Community Commons, offering safe haven to encourage, cultivate and support the localglobal regenerative practitioners and their projects, connecting them with the resources required to facilitate the co-creation of these resilient communities, aligned and coordinated up and down the course of our Watersheds.
The WUN ATRUIM HOME BASE webpages on the WATERUNITY.LIFE website and on our PARTNER PLATFORMS, serve as our public-facing, informational hub for  'FRESH' WATER STEWARDS (new members)  initially entering the WATERUNITY NETWORKS (WUN) systemYou can glean what valuable information serves your needs here, or you can dive deeper to learn more about collaborative Water↔ Earth Stewardship by proceeding to TIER 1~ORIENTATION.
This WUN ATRIUM HOME BASE correspondingly focuses the satellite WUN ATRIUMS found on our Partner Platforms. Functioning in the same way to funneling the new participants from the Partner Platforms into the WUN Atrium Home Base as the central gathering point for our information and engagement. As spokes of the wheel, the Partner Platforms subgroups then radiate back out from these WUN Atriums to the active phases of Watershed Stewardship.
Additionally, WaterUnity.Life functions as the training library and manual for those Water Stewards choosing to keep diving deeper into their WUN WATERSHED STEWARDSHIP TRAINING. You are welcome to stay in the public WUN as Fresh Water Stewards to glean the valuable general information and links, or you can dive deeper into the next Tiers to become a WELLSPRINGS. Engage in the level of collaborative Watershed Stewardship Training that fits your needs.
We are each invited to advance at our own pace, interest level and capacity for engagement, balancing this vital fun with our own life purposes. As we diver deeper into Watershed Stewardship, we will progress step-by-step, in organized Tiers of Engagement and in distinct phases within these, with orientation and guidance throughout the process.
You've now in our public-facing TIER 1~ORIENTATION, the initial Tier of Engagement providing a general introduction to the Fresh Water Stewards just arriving into WUN, regarding the imperative and concept, as well as presenting our vision and ethos for  a local  global network of change agents, and get hints about creating resilient communities.
Once you work your way through the phases of this first public Tier, you are invited to advance to the second TIER 2 ~ ONBOARDING membership where the structure of the WUN framework introduced and you'll geolocate your unique place in the Water Cycle of Mother Earth.  Then TIER 3 ~ ACTIVATION opens the full WUN WELLSPRING MEMBERSHIP.
Our network is 'gamified'  to add incentive and value. Our ultimate strategy for each council is to form a DHO structure, (Decentralized, Human Organization) for generating economic and governing alternatives in advanced tiers.
A key element to the navigation is attracting the Climate-aware Youth, especially the underserved youth around the world -providing them with effective pathways to full success as adults - integrated into the WEB OF LIFE.
Essential to the 'Concept' is remembering the Nature of Water, not as a 'resource', but, as the vital ESSENCE OF ALL LIFEWe also adhere to the bold idea that ~WE ARE THE WATERSHED! We understand that, from a whole-system perspective, a Watershed is far more than just the liquid flowing thru the terrain towards the One Ocean, it is also the Water within the LIFE moving through the Watershed. 
We choose to cherish Our Essential Source Water as if All Life depends on it, because IT DOES!
This is a celebration of All Life and our adventure is meant to bring us lasting Joy, Hope and Quantum Love.

Local to Global Networking Support
Watershed Wisdom Councils

Bridging Our Vast Inspiration
To the Implementation of Solutions


© 2023 WUN© 2023 WWCC, © 2023 WATERUNITY NETWORK 


All Rights Reserved

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