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Rebirth - Indisposable -  Interconnection with Nature - Regenerating the Planet

The Water Awake Network, in fiscal partnership with the Eco Rainbow Goddesses




A Short-form Solution Documentary Series

Running time: 5 - 40 minutes 

“Do we have the courage to face the realities of our time? 

And allow ourselves to feel deeply enough that it transforms us and the future.”

-- Chris Jordan

What is the Goal?

$10,000 Seed Funding

We are crowdsourcing our first round of seed funding to continue the production of this ongoing series at a higher caliber of filmmaking.  We are taking these unprecedented times and getting creative ... with the purpose of contributing to a complete rebalancing transformation of the human species on behalf of the whole system, and future/present generations of All Life in regenerative communities. 

What is the message of the film?

A Wake-Up Call for Humanity! 

We travel the world exposing the truth about our dysfunctional, disposable society, and the plastic waste choking the vitality out of our Water. One the quest for the best solutions and the people committed to creating them, we explore how, by shifting the market, we can protect and preserve the quality of life on Planet Earth for All Life nurtured by this core common bond to Our Essential Source Water.

What is the call to action?

Re-boot from the Roots

To rethink the way we consume, to inspire millions to stop supporting the fossil fuel industry, to reignite our interconnection with Nature. to use less plastic and start buying from small, local businesses making natural products to generate and organizational model and currency based on the foundational aspects of Water.


What is the Concept?

Co-creating the Solutions


This documentary series showcases the endless local solutions found around the world. The intention is to weave these stories together as a shared narrative of inspiration in a call to action to the world join us in the world of solutions. We will be empowering the passion of changemakers to reach millions of hearts. 


Do you want to help us tell these stories? Once we can create more and more media on the solutions and share these messages we can re-create the world we live in.  Our mission is to unite all environmental organizations to expand their reach to mainstream audiences through network influencer lists and viral videos. 


Imagine if we had an eco network, where you find your local package-free, plastic-free products all in one place. So that it could be easy to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. 


“Making reusables accessible to all and plastic-free eco-friendly living becomes an easy commitment” 

What is the Intention?

Re-boot from the Roots

`What is that vision we believe in together?

  • Easily available access to Pure, Safe Water for All Life

  • Create and support Whole Systems Water Vitality projects

  • Viable livelihood for the Core Team of Creatives
  • Form a Community of (Alliance of organizations)

  • Campaigns (multiple projects, run by different people)

  • One Mission / One Project

  • Budget – Generate Funding to Give Funding

  • Transparency and Open Accountability

  • Release – Escrow – Smart Contract

  • Milestone: After receiving $5000 we hired a cinematographer and editor 


What is the Giveback?

10 % of the money raised will go into other philanthropic projects such as

La Fondation Aicha's Pure Water for Guinée Inititive. 

~ In gratitude ~

Glo Moss, Elizabeth Herald, Angie Gonzalez

Local to Global Networking Support
Watershed Wisdom Councils

Bridging Our Vast Inspiration
To the Implementation of Solutions

© 2023 WUN© 2023 WWCC, © 2023 WATERUNITY NETWORK 


All Rights Reserved

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